God of War III

The journey for revenge has come to fruition. Kratos is hell bent to destroy Zeus and all of Olympus. Aiding him are the mighty Titans, who were overthrown by Zeus.

Presentation: The story picks up right after the end of part two. As you would expect you begin the game with a bang. This time around, powered by the PS3 engine, you are given a stunning visualization of the power this machine has. You start off fighting enemies while riding the Titan Gaia. Soon enough you encounter your first boss battle which is as epic as you can get. From there you face some interesting characters and tackle some of the main gods of Greek mythology. Of course there are puzzles that halt the bloody action, but luckily they do not take too much of your time away from the craziness.

The formula has not changed in terms of gameplay. The award winning series made the right choice of not changing battle schemes, control and item acquisition. Some might start to feel like it’s the same old same old, but God of War became successful for its gameplay. Power ups and weapons are acquired like the former games.

Graphics: God of War III has the best graphics of the year. The high points of the game’s graphics are Kratos’ character design and the Titans who are massive. The stages are also gorgeous to the eye. There is one battle in particular that will have you in utter awe. The graphics showcase the scale of this game by masterfully illustrating Kratos’ plight.

Sound: The music and sounds of the game fit perfectly. There is more dialogue in this game than the previous installments, and the voice acting is pretty good. Sounds of weapons and enemy groans are heard loud and clear and who can ever say anything wrong about the way Kratos sounds.

Control: The controls have not changed which is a blessing. Moving is smooth and the action is intense. Active time actions are a staple to the series. The only time the control score might slip is when you use the Sword of Zeus. Kratos slides a lot with each hit so this seems a little off compared to God of War’s perfect control scheme.

God of War III is a great game deserving of a perfect score, but it does leave something missing which I cannot mention when it comes down to the end of the game. The graphics and battles are jaw dropping throughtout the game though. The journey for revenge could not look any more amazing and the scale of this war could not have been more epic. We hope there is another adventure for Kratos in the future.

Score: 9.4

2010 Game Awards
2nd Place Overall Game of the Year (PS3/PS2)
Best Graphics (PS3)
Best Action Game (PS3)